Wednesday, August 5, 2009

stop thinking

hey all! idk why i choose those words as the title of this post>>> "stop thinking"
cos sometimes, most of the time actually, i really want my brain to stop thinking! yes it really happens. ive felt this way so many times before i keep thinking again why it could happen. yes, and again, im thinking of something else.

and worse case is, i usually think about more than two things at the same time, and i couldnt stop my brain to stop thinking. weird is it? but dont ask me to decode anyone else's thought! because you choose the wrong person to do that. im also not good at reading people's gestures, even my bestfriend's. and not so long ago i had a problem with my friends, well i hate those jerks who keep blaming me by saying "lo sih gak bisa liat responsnya. dia tuh tipe orang yang gak bisa ngungkapin langsung perasaan nya. harusnya lo pinter2 baca pikiran sm gerak gerik dia biar gak salah paham ky gini!" what the hell is going on in this world!!!! God gave us mouth to speak, gave us ears lo listen, so why do i have to read people's mind instead of listening to their words, sounds easier rite?

well, its just one of many silly thoughts that come thru my mind, and yes one of the unspoken one hehehe gue berharap makin berkurang lah orang2 yang meng-atas nama-kan "gak bisa ngungkapin langsung perasaan" untuk bisa menyalahkan orang lain yang kaya gue gini, yang kalo ngomong apa adanya :) karena there are many ways to show your feeling intead of dieeem aja ngarepin orang tau apa yang lo pikirin dan malah ngomongin orang itu di belakang karena lo menganggap dia jahat sm lo whoaaaa come on its 2009 its time to speak up fellas! :)

freshman 2009

Hi bloggers! before I tell u about my day, my life, let me introduce my self k?

Im Zaskia, Im 18, and I'll be the freshman 2009 in University of Indonesia at Faculty of Law this August! yippieeee yeay.. hm I guess Im not good at writing but let me try ya hihi
first, i knew how to deal w/ blogs stuff from my friends named Nicke Vinadia who is soooo hi tech wew and i thought it must be good memorizing all my day by post it on the blog. thats why i do these things hehe

well, last thing for this post, since Im a new comer in this kinda site, hope i can get many new informations coming from this blog and i can share aaaallll my unspoken thoughts here....

enjoy my blog all! :)